Gorgeous Jiyul of Dal Shabet fame recently did a photoshoot/interview thingy for magazine HOMME, and taking one look at the sneak preview of the video, I immediately dove in to the Jiyul Goodness! I love Jiyul and would have watched this clip no matter what, but I must say that after seeing the opening clip which featured Jiyul in all her curvaceous cleavagey glory… …only to find that the video itself was composed mostly of a sweetly sweater-clad Jiyul in a decidedly innocent aura... Well, THAT was a bit of a letdown! Where was that sexy blue dress? Where was the rest of the coverage of that gloriously busty pictorial? It was nowhere to be found, leaving me with this summation of the friends at HOMME who put the clip together: LOL, aw, but it was still nice to see Jiyul again in all her sparkling eye-smiling radiance, hopefully all these recent appearances in the media are signaling a autumn return? One can only hope!