7 Ocak 2016 Perşembe

Molly O Malia

Model Molly O’Malia wants her privacy. After lawyering up with high-profile attorney Gloria Allred, the 14-year-old set her apparent Twitter and Instagram profiles to private.
Before she did, she reportedly tweeted she was “proud” about speaking out against OK! Magazine, which ran a story that alleged she has sexual relations with Kylie Jenner’s boyfriend, Tyga. "I've never been so proud of myself,” she wrote, according to People Magazine. Its hasn’t been confirmed if the statement attributed to Molly was from an authentic account.
On Instagram, Molly has nearly 50,000 followers though she follows less than 1,500 people. It’s unclear how Tyga found Molly, but it was probably through one of her 85 posts.

As far as Snapchat is concerned, it’s her only public social media platform at the moment. She didn’t share an update Monday, but a 24-hour story from Sunday remains. It only shows a picture of her hair, which was taken in a tiled bathroom. She used a New York “Midtown” filter on the image.
Her mother, Anne Lowry O’Malia, condemned OK! Magazine for publishing conversations her daughter apparently had with Tyga, 26, and for "falsely [insinuating] that there was an inappropriate sexually suggestive relationship going on between Tyga and Molly." 
Allred, who is representing the women who accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault, said "Anne feels that it is completely inappropriate for an adult male to communicate with her 14-year-old daughter, ask for her phone number and ask when she is coming to [Los Angeles],” according to People Magazine.  
During the press conference, Molly said Tyga messaged her on Instagram. She began a conversation with him because she thought he wanted to help her music career. She became uncomfortable when he asked her to video chat and ceased communication when Tyga proposed it for a third time.

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