17 Aralık 2013 Salı

Deux Ex Machina

Rise Of The Machines: Kimura Takuya wi Kiritani Kenta
 *Possible Spoilers Ahead*... Just finished watching episode 8 of Sci-Fi thriller “Ando Lloyd”, and damn, what a kick-butt drama it IS! Colorful characters, an intriguing storyline that keeps you guessing, and some pretty awesome fight scenes too! While the tale of the “Sentient Robots who Surpass Humans in the Evolutionary Chain” has been told before many times in films from “2001” to “The Matrix”, this is the first time I’ve heard it told like THIS!
 Besides all the revelations in the last few episodes, we even had the first confrontation/clash with Super-Android Ando Lloyd (Takuya Kimura) and his mysterious ultra-powered arch-enemy ARX-IX (Mirei Kiritani), and OMG, not only was this first battle on the building rooftop as exciting as the epic first meeting between Kikaida and Hakaida in episode #38 of “Jinzo Ningen Kikaider”, it actually kind of LOOKED like it, too! LOL
Only two more episodes to go, and I’m totally on the edge of my seat trying to guess how it’s gonna all wrap up!

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