4 Nisan 2014 Cuma

The AfterSchool Word Of The Day is "Mu-Mo"

 During interview promotions for their new Japanese album “Dress To Kill”, when asked what their favorite track off the release was, several members of Afterschool (including my bias, Lizzy) said they particularly liked the song “Lucky Girl” because it was a cheerful song, but added that it was only available on the “mu-mo” version. Mu-Mo??? What the HECK was mu-mo?
   Well after chatting with a few folks over at the Kayoforum Afterschool thread, I found out that this "mu-mo" referred to Japan-exclusive releases (mostly available through the Japan fanclubs) but some copies occasionally turned up on ebay and the like. As it was not only Lizzy and Nana’s favorite tune, but also a fun, bright, happy track, (and ya know I just LOVE pop!) I just HAD to have it!
   Luck was on my side as only a few days after I got my Deluxe Version of “Dress To Kill”, a dealer in Japan listed a few copies of the Mo-mu version of Dress To Kill! It was a bit pricey and I wasn’t too thrilled about buying a copy of an album I already HAD, but Dress to Kill was soooo, soooo good, having the Mo-mu version with Lucky Girl was going to be a cherry on the top! I ordered it, and in just a few DAYS, it arrived!
  Gotta say I was a bit disappointed by it only being a regular jewel-case CD (even though I already knew from looking at pictures of other mo-mu releases that they ALL come in regular jewel cases)…But upon OPENING the case, I saw which member version of the actual CD I got- and it was ONCE AGAIN none other than the Busan Girl herself, LIZZY!!!
Yes, Lizzy was also my random member trading card in the Deluxe Edition album, and when you consider even my Orange Caramel trading card was Lizzy, the Park Sooyoung Gods have truly been smiling down upon me these past few weeks, as ALL my random bonus goodies have been Lizzy!

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