30 Kasım 2015 Pazartesi

The Cult-TV Faces of: Eye Patches

Identified by Hugh: Doctor Who: "Inferno."

Identified by Hugh: Blake's 7 (Travis 1)

Identified by Hugh: Blake's 7 (Travis 2).


Identified by Hugh: Futurama (Leela).

Identified by Hugh: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: "Our Man Bashir" (O'Brien).

Identified by Woodchuckgod: Farscape.

Identified by Hugh: Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Identified by Hugh: Battlestar Galacticca.

Identified by Hugh; Doctor Who.

Identified by Chris G: Supernatural: "Pac Man Fever" (Felicia Day).

Identified by Hugh: The Walking Dead, The Governor (David Morrissey).

Identified by Bruce Nims: 

Identified by Hugh: Mad Men.

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