21 Temmuz 2014 Pazartesi

Calling All Sleepycats and Wildcats- f(x)'s RED LIGHT is Here!!!

f(x) Third Album Red Light: Wildcats & Sleepycats versions
  Already been spending the last two weeks listening to a downloaded version of SMEntertainment’s superpower group f(x)’s latest album RED LIGHT, and just today, my K-pop order for the physical albums came in! I’ve mentioned many, many times before how awesome I think f(x)’s releases have been, and Red Light has been no exception, blowing me away with each and every eclectic track, I was THRILLED to find that the actual album’s packaging is JUST as grand!
 Red Light came in two versions, a Wildcats version and a Sleepy Cats version. I had NO IDEA what either of these two concepts were, but I was curious about both of them, and when Kpoptown offered up a special package with both versions AND both posters, I decided to just get ‘em all! Come to find out that the “Wildcats” version is the “western” style theme I loved (where the girls looked like wanted cowboys in the old west) and the “Sleepycats” version had the girls romping around in the wilderness in a very avante-garde blurry style.
Each CD had a thick photobook with terrific pictures of the girls in a variety of looks- from futuristic, urban and pure pop fashion, and OH MY GOD look at these SEXY freaking pictures of SULLI! Holy CRAP, they are really changing her position in the group from the “Cutie” to the “Vixen”, DAMN! So Yummy!
 As well as a trading card in each CD (I got Krystal in one and Sulli in the other) and stickers, the awesome, awesome POSTERS that came with it knocked me OUT! One featured the “wanted” Wildcats cover, the other featured one of the coolest pics from the booklet of the girls in those cowboy outfits looking cool as hell, MAN, I’d wanted this picture since they used it as the intro-picture for their Music Show comebacks, to have a huge poster of it is just the MOST!
Bonus Red Light posters, both Sleepycats and Wildcats versions
Of course, the Main point of this whole thing is the MUSIC, and right now it’s just about my favorite disc! Just like their PINK TAPE album before and even PINOCCHIO from even earlier, every f(x) album is just FILLED with SO MANY cool, eccentric and just plain catchy dance cuts, and here’s just a FEW of ‘em that I really love:
The first time I played "Red Light" in my car, the bass sent my speakers into the red and it wasn't until I got a chance to listen to it at home on my Bose system that I realized how DENSE the bass is in this song- just FLOOR shaking! Super EPIC song!
Pure pop perfection as only f(x) can deliver- reminds me a lot of "Signal" off of Pink Tape.
Just makes you wanna run to the dance floor and boogie down!
After assaulting everyone with the masterpiece that is Red Light, the girls also promoted "Milk", a very "catty" song that really fits in with the album's feline theme, so sassy!
"Dracula"!!! My favorite song off of Red Light, MAN is this song catchy!!! I'm hoping and praying that somehow I'll get to see f(x) performing this one...THIS is the track that really MAKES the album for me!
And the album ends with this really sweet (and very Japanese-flavored) Paper Heart, this track wraps up the album so nicely you're left with this warm fuzzy feeling! Gotta spin it AGAIN!!!

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