7 Eylül 2014 Pazar

Ladies Code RiSe Passes Away

 I just now learned the heartbreaking news that Ladies Code Kwon Risae "RiSe" finally succumbed to  injuries she sustained during the fatal crash that claimed fellow member EunB's life just a few days ago. There were problems during her surgery where her blood pressure fell so low they had to stop procedures. They eventually finished it up, bus she never regained consciousness. My relief when I'd heard she was out of surgery was cut by the news that her survival was still in doubt, today she finally let go. Ladies Code management Polaris Entertainment:
At the time of the accident on the 3rd, RiSe obtained a big injury to her head and was moved to the hospital. She was operated on as much as possible for a long time, but she has ultimately passed away. Her parents, who came from Japan, and the label employees stayed with her at the end. We are sorry to give another sad news since the late EunB and we cannot hide our sorrow."
I was just watching all my Ladies Code music show performances last night, tyring to get used to the fact that EunB is no longer with us, so sad to realize RiSe is gone, too. Here's the girls' very last, happy Television performance, just a few days ago.

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