12 Eylül 2014 Cuma

Secret Shipment

  Usually Autographed CD offers come from rookie artists who are using the promotion to try and get their name out, so I was thrilled to see TS Entertainment's biggest girl group SECRET doing a signed CD push in not one but two different vendors! Well I wasted no time getting on THAT special, and just this week, my order came in! The CD box is very nice already, and when you open up the package, there on the inner cover were the four signatures, and in true celebrity fashion, all of them COMPLETELY illegible, rushed scribbling that would give any doctor a run for their money, LOL!
Just like the RAINBOW and 4MINUTE autographed CD's I'd gotten before, it was almost impossible to make out who ANY of the signers were, I'll just have to take their word for it these autographs spell out "Jiyeon", "Hyosung", "Hana" and Sunhwa", AHAHAHA!
Besides the cool autographs, the CD came with a set of beautiful postcards (and a stand you can display them in) along with a trading card and photo. I've already listened to the album online and like it a lot, especially the lead song "I'm In Love", with the girls going back to their FIERCE roots- for awhile now the girls have been pursuing a more "cutesy" concept, THIS promo reminds me of their kick-butt glory days of "Madonna"and "Magic" , sexy songs with sheer ATTITUDE! The Girls and Back!!

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