29 Mart 2014 Cumartesi

It's a 4Minute World After All

Just got my copy of Cube Entertainment's flagship girl group 4MINUTE's new CD "4Minute WORLD" in the mail, and once again I'm properly blown away by how beautiful their releases are! Besides having a stunning cover (with the girls looking so damn pretty)The CD Booklet  is something I've never seem before-  the booklet is like a calendar with a metal spiral spine, and the hard cardboard backing (the purple part) is beveled so you can pop it out and turn into a sturdy stand, turning the photobook into a jazzy desktop calendar!!!
Bevelled edges make it easy to lock the parts into place...
...and Viola! Your very own 4Minute Desk Calendar!
Another amazing bonus was the fact that since I ordered my CD during a special, I got the huge 20x30 4Minute World poster absolutely FREE- and it even came FLAT, unrolled and in a tube!!! You just can't beat that!!!!
The girls really went ALL OUT for this promotion!!!

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