29 Mart 2014 Cumartesi

It's Catallena Time!

Orange Caramel "Catallena" CD!
  I'd already put in my order for  Orange Caramel's new mini-album "Catallena" from K-pop dealer Kpoptown, but when Soompi offered up the same album AUTOGRAPHED, I had to order that one, too! So I knew I had two copies of the Afterschool sub-unit's new release on the way.
  Well, just today (along with my aforementioned 4Minute album) the initial Catallena order arrived, and though this wasn't the autographed one, I still was pretty excited upon getting it! The CD looks very nice and WOW! The free poster that came with it is beautiful! 
Catallena poster with CD for scale
Standing at 20x31, this totally made up for any misgivings I had ordering two of the same thing! And the cherry on the top was the fact that the bonus card I got was once again my bias LIZZY!!!  Thought at first I'd have to give the second copy away, but maybe I'll hold on to both of them, Hee Hee Hee....

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