16 Nisan 2014 Çarşamba

An Unexpected Arrival- Autographed Rainbow BLAXX

  I'd avoided ordering any of my K-Pop goods from the MWave shop because the registration and instructions seemed so confusing to me, but when it was brought o my attention that they were having the girls from Rainbow BLAXX come in to autograph their latest album, I decided to blunder my way through the paperwork so I could get my hands of a copy!
 I've already got an autographed album by the entire Rainbow group, (their awesome album SUNSHINE) but their signatures seemed so rushed as to be almost illegible to my eyes (spent quite few hours trying to figure out whose signature was whose! I got Jisook, No Eul and maybe YoonHye, but the rest were only guesses, haha) so I was pretty keen on getting this CD, since it included my Rainbow bias Woori as well as Jaekyung, SeugAh and Hyunyoung. Maybe THIS time I'd get clearer autographs from them!

My Autographed Rainbow "Sunshine" Album
Well, I registered and put in that order, but the whole time I was worried that I'd filled in the MWave order form incorrectly, and as the days stretched into weeks without confirmation from Mwave, my doubts seeme dot be confirmed! I checked my Paypal account, however, and it indicated that my charge DID go through... but NO WORD AT ALL on the order itself.
 Weeks stretched into months, and by the 8th week, I gave up ever seeing the order. I figured I MUST have filled the order form out wrong somehow. I chalked it up to a learning experience (vowing NEVER to order from a site I didn't know much about again!) and made peace that it was a lost cause.
 Well, just yesterday morning, i got a note from the mailman telling me a package was waiting fro me via registered mail. I assumed it was my latest K-pop order, a big AOA catalog shipment, and I hurried down to the Post, dying to get my hands on those discs!
 When I GOT there, the clerk handed me a small envelope containing ONE CD album, and I GOTTA TELL YOU, I had so long ago given up on ever seeing that Rainbow BLAXX album, my first thought before opening it was "What the HELL could THIS be?" Disappointed that my AOA order hadn't come in yet, I tore open the package and had to blink TWICE when what I saw staring back at me was THE AUTOGRAPHED RAINBOW BLAXX CD!!! Well, WHADDAYA KNOW!!!
Autographed Rainbow BLAXX
 After hurrying home I took the hardcover Photobook out of its slipcase to gaze lovingly at its embellishments....and I gotta say for the record, I guess Rainbow just have bad penmanship when it come to celebrity signings...'cause these signs were just as scribbly and illegible as they looked on the Rainbow Album I had before! This time I can kind of make out Hyunyoung, but the rest...Hmmm. LOLOL!
  Ah well, it's still very pretty, and I can breathe a sigh of relief and call this CASE CLOSED!

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