20 Nisan 2014 Pazar

My K-Pop Collection Two Years In!

Been over a year since I last took inventory of my K-Pop Collection, and as I hit two solid years of  Hallyu fandom, I thought it was time to check in again! Comparing it to my old list, there certainly have been a LOT of new artists I've gotten into, most notably Apink and Dal Shabet, groups that I've come to love as much as KARA and Girls Generation!

Well, this collection has certainly grown since it was just a handful of CDs in a wine crate!
The odd sixes of the albums made it impossible to store on my regular CD shelves so I eventually built custom sized shelving for the K-pop stuff, one year ago it took up three rows. now it's filled up all five shelves and I've GOT to expand more!!! As you can see, it's getting kind of crowded!

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