24 Ekim 2013 Perşembe

A Much Coveted APink Treasure: Autographed Snow Pink!

The APink Girls Autographing Snow Pink CDs
 Back when I was watching Season Two of Apink’s totally awesome reality show Apink News, there was this interesting episode where they showed the girls spending time in the Dance Practice room, exhaustingly signing cases and CASES of their new album “Snow Pink” to be distributed to their fanbase...
Bomi removes the Shrink-Wrap
Bomi was the one assigned to remove the troublesome shrinkwrap on each CD, and it was strangely hypnotic watching her use the scissors to deftly slit the tops of the albums while still in the cardboard shipping boxes and then rip each wrapper off. She really had her work cut out for her because the girls had ONE THOUSAND copies to sign!
Hayoung gets to business while Bomi continues to remove Wrapping
 At that time besides Bomi, the autographing relay team consisted of Hayoung, Yookyung, Naeun and Namjoo, and they all took turns passing around the stacks of albums to endorse! I guess Eunji and Chorong did theirs at some later date (and in fact, later in the episode, I DID see boxes of the CD left in the back corner of the studio). Love when they did close-ups and you could actually SEE the girls signing it...
Namjoo: "We are really doing it!"
In any case, watching that clip of the girls happily chatting away as they all took turns scribbling their names on the inside booklet, I came away wanting a copy of one of those signed albums so BADLY, and then, when later on, SNOW PINK became my FAVORITE ALBUM from Apink, I wanted it even MORE! In fact, I NEEDED it! But while I was able to get ahold of their more recent promotion for SECRET GARDEN, would I be able to find this older disc of theirs?
   Going online I was led to a dealer in Korea who dealt only with Autographed K-pop paraphernalia, and what do you know- they had a copy of the aforementioned HOLY GRAIL of Apink Autographs for me, the same SNOW PINK promotion from the Fanclub! I HAD to have it! A small (but tidy sum) transaction later, and my long-desired Apink CD was on its way! Crossed my fingers and bode my time, and JUST TODAY, my treasured CD arrived!!!
My Autographed Snow Pink CD arrives!
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL Signatures!!!
So beautiful and SWEET, and such a THRILL to re-watch that episode of Apink News and speculate that the CD you see them signing may very well be the one you received! Also an added bonus is the fact that this album is signed by the original Seven Member group- the recent autographed Secret Garden album I acquired was (naturally) signed by the current six-member Apink, but since watching APink News, I’ve come to love Yookyung so much that I feel especially grateful to have her signature in my collection as well!
PS: Another THRILLING discovery I noticed was that while signing the CDs, someone had smudged their fingerprint on the book, and though I can’t say for sure who it was, I DID notice that dear leader Chorong had in fact smudged her signature and gotten ink on the opposite page, so I like to THINK that the culprit was my beloved Ronggie, anyway!! LOL Awww, that’s one of the GREAT things about collectibles like this- you feel really close to the idols when you know that the girls themselves have handled the CDs!
Wheee! Authentic Apink Fingerprint Smudges! Chorong's?
You can best believe this CD has found its way to become part of my most precious K-pop Collectible Items!!!

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