3 Ekim 2013 Perşembe

APink's Sweet "Birth Of A Family"

As readers of this blog know well, when I get into something, I get into it full throttle, and my latest adoration of ACUBE Idols APINK is no different! After immersing myself in their wonderfully entertaining reality series APINK NEWS, I was REALLY falling in love with them, and had to have MORE! Through an Apink Forum, I was introduced to a mysterious reality series of theirs called "Birth Of A Family"... What WAS this show and why were Apink fans (dubbed "Pink Pandas") so into it?
  Well, come to find out Birth of a Family was a show from this past year where the girls were put in charge of two recently rescued shelter dogs who needed human interaction so they could be put up for adoption and once I learned THAT, I just HAD to get my hands on the series! Girls and Puppies, who could beat it!!!
Well, the series delivered, and THEN SOME! What an INTERESTING show Birth of A Family was! Watching the Apink Girls as they lived day to day caring for two puppies "Quick" and "Dalie" as surrogate "mothers", we get to see a side of them that is so sweet and gentle. Within each and every  you can see the love the girls have for the dogs, whether it be dresing them up to take walks in the park...
or the serious things like giving them medicine and taking them to the veterinarian for checkups 
...or the simple days of lounging around and playing together!
When Apink were first given the dogs, Dalie was so introverted and shy, but as the days went on, you could see him come out of his shell and run around playing, happily interacting with the girls (especially Bomi, who really became like a mother to him!) After three months, the dogs were ready to be adopted, and thus we come to the totally HEARTBREAKING part of the show, when the girls had to finally give the dogs over to their new owners. MAN,was this episode hard to watch!!! For three months the girls have lived with and taken care of these two dogs, and it is SUCH an emotional WRECK watching them saying their final goodbyes to their beloved "children"... Yup, even I was totally destroyed!
Thanks to this emotional series, I can safely say that APink has absolutely become one of my very favorite groups after all this time, and I've even just started watching the "We Got Married" show again to see Shinee's Taemin and Apink's own lovely princess Naeun filming their reality nuptials! The APink craze continues....

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