28 Ekim 2013 Pazartesi

Tales From Big APink

It’s been awhile since I last talked to my friend Shanomac, the individual largely responsible for getting me wholly into K-pop, and as you may or may not recall, he was (and is) a HUGE Apink fan, and has always been trying to get me “into” them. I decided to drop him a line to let him know about my happy conversion to the new APink religion, but MAN, how can I properly relay the awesome APINK experience I’ve been going through the past few weeks in one email? Why, by utilizing that trusty internet phenomenon, the RAGEMEME!!! In just two simple strips, I think I’ve conveyed how much Chorong, Bomi, Eunji, Naeun, Namjoo, Yookyung and Hayoung mean to me! Check it out, yo!
Hmmmm, Yep, that's just about how it happened, alright!!

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